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12 Benefits of an Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate our gratitude but it is important to have an attitude of gratitude every day.  When you live your life with an attitude of gratitude, it makes a huge difference and can change your life.  When you live with an attitude of gratitude, come-from place is not what you don’t have but the focus of what you do have.  Your life can change from living with an attitude of gratitude.  You appreciate what you do have instead of what you don’t.  People that live with an attitude of gratitude are happier and have a deep sense of peace.

Benefits of an Attitude of Gratitude:

1.  Decreased levels of stress and ability to handle stress increases.

2.  Ability to handle negative situations.

3.  Increased self-esteem.

4.  Increased level of inner calm and peace.

5.  Auto-pilot ability to find the positive in situations.

6.  Better sleep.  (Have insomnia, count your blessings instead of counting sheep!)

7.  Overall optimism.

8.  Increased health.

9.  Higher probability of reaching goals.

10.  Increased motivation for living a healthy lifestyle including food choices and regular exercise.

11.  Less anxiety and depression.

12.  Higher long-term satisfaction in your life.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.  ~Marcel Proust

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
~Melody Beattie

How to Live With an Attitude of Gratitude:

* One of my favorite ways to live with an attitude of gratitude is to see the “Blessons” in my life.  What are blessons?  Lessons + Blessings = Blessons.  There is always a lesson to a situation for my inner growth and always, always a blessing.  Look for both!

* When you compare, you tear.  Don’t compare yourself to others because when you do, you tear at yourself.  Don’t compare someone else’s outsides to your insides.  Strive to be the best you that YOU can be.

* Make it a priority for you to not take anyone or anything for granted.  When you appreciate those people and things in your life that are important to you, and live with an attitude of gratitude, you won’t have regrets.

* Little things are the big things too.  Little things add up to be the big things.  Be aware and grateful for the little things in your life.  Think of a leak in your roof after a rain.  When you put a bucket to catch the drops from the leak, those small drops add up to a full bucket.  Same goes for the little things in your life.

* Keep a Gratitude Journal and use it every day.  When you have a gratitude journal, you go about your day more aware.  You look for those things to put into your gratitude journal so your mindset is living with a “come-from” attitude of gratitude.  At the end of your day, take a few minutes to list 3-5 things that happened in your day.

This holiday season (and beyond), live with an attitude of gratitude and it will be the best gift you’ll receive all year!

With all my heart – THANK YOU to my family, friends, clients and for you that visit my blog.  <3


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