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Do you need directions?

Do you know what you want?  Do you know where you are going?  Are you moving forward or staying put wishing that you were moving forward in your life?  It isn’t enough to want something more or something different in your life.  It isn’t enough to want to lose weight without a plan.  Would you set out in your car, gas tank full, and say you want to go for a trip without preparation or a map for your journey?

Start off with a written statement of your destination.  If you are in New York and want to go to San Diego, would you just drive down the street and hope you’ll get there eventually?  You’d create a plan state by state, highway by highway, and an approximate timeline of where you’ll be when.  Do the same thing for yourself.  What do you weigh today?  What is your goal weight?  What do you need to do to get from where you are to where you want to be.  There are pit stops, speedbumps, and beautiful sceneries along the way.  Enjoy your trip to weight loss success.  Create a plan!  Design a blueprint for your plan in weight loss coaching.

We can design a plan for you that includes your likes and takes into consideration your dislikes.  Together, in weight loss coaching, we can map out your plan for weight loss and a plan for your overall success in your life.

All the best,

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