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Embrace Stress as a Motivator

Stress is not always a negative thing.  Stress prepares us for action, and this can be advantageous, even necessary.  When we can control our level of stress, it can stimulate and excite us.  If we had no stress in our lives, we would be bored and unmotivated.  Stress helps us to reach optimal performance by getting us pumped up for a situation or action.  Stress causes us to reach further and accomplish more.  This is the case whether we’re participating in a sports event or a performance review by our supervisor. 

Stress is a problem when we haven’t developed healthy coping mechanisms.  People under stress often search for relief through negative or unhealthy behaviors such as stress eating.  We have a natural need to calm ourselves, to relax and quiet the anxiety.  This is when we turn to our comfort foods.  These comfort foods, usually sugar and simple carbohydrate foods, act as tranquilizers and allow us to self-medicate ourselves.  Stress can cause us to turn to a container of ice cream or fill your plate with mounds of macaroni and cheese or other comfort foods.  Stress eating may calm you temporarily but it is a fleeting fix.   Go for the longer-lasting sources of relief.

The level of stress each of us can tolerate is different.  Envision stress like tension on a violin string – not enough produces a dull, flat sound and too much snaps the string.  The perfect amount produces a magnificent beautiful tone.  The key is to find the right balance for each of us.

To overcome stress eating and avoid self-medicating with food, we need to develop healthy ways to calm ourselves.  Rather than pop a cookie to alleviate your stress, consider these healthy long-lasting calming strategies:

*Take a walk.
*Listen to your favorite music and dance.
*Indulge in a bubble bath.
*Watch a funny movie and laugh out loud (laughter is a great buster of stress).
*Take a nap.
*Pet your dog or cat.
*Call a friend.
*Read a book, magazine, or cruise the Internet on your favorite topics.
*Practice positive, encouraging self-talk…just as you would with your child or best friend.

Stress is hard to avoid and there are more causes for stress that add up daily.  To keep your weight loss stead and maintain your weight loss, we need to find our own personal strategies for coping with stress other than stress eating.  Actually, as I write this post, I have a day of meetings, training to teach, study for class, kids arguing, a long list of things to accomplish, my in-box is full and my out-box is empty.  Hmm, a slice of chocolate cake sounds pretty good right now….hold on, wait – I’m going to take a vigorous walk instead.  I feel better already!

Believe In Yourself,

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