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Life Lessons as Troubles

“Trouble is only opportunity dressed in work clothes.”  -Henry J. Kaiser 

We all have troubles.  The key is to meet them head on, deal with them in a healthy way and not allow them to get the upper hand by turning to emotional eating to cope.  Don’t allow troubles or other people to deter you from your weight loss goals, achieving a fitness goal, or another dream. 

While many situations may appear upsetting, possibly insurmountable, you could be surprised to find they contain valuable lessons to help you cope with difficult issues in the future.  You are working out your emotional muscles!  If you follow a program of healthful nutrition and exercise instead of swallowing your emotions in snack and junk food, you’ll always be equipped with enough energy to cope with whatever comes your way.

YOU CAN DO IT!  You are much stronger inside than any outer circumstances.

Believe In Yourself,

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