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New Puppy Similar To Weight Loss?

We did it this weekend!  We adopted a new puppy for my sons.  He is very sweet, cute, and a furry ball of love.  He is only 8-weeks old so we’re in the beginning stages of potty training.  As many of you know, potty training a puppy requires a lot of time, patience, commitment, and dedication.  Hmmm…..those are the same qualities required for healthy weight loss and maintenance.  I most definitely want the puppy to be trained as soon as possible.  It happens though in relation to the time needed to monitor him and his habits, patience, commitment, and dedication to the process.  See where I’m going with this? 

When we’re losing weight, it takes time.  Quantity of time is a requirement.  Let’s face it, we didn’t wake up having gained “x” number of pounds overnight.  Losing those pounds will also take time.  If you’re like me, I want the weight off NOW.  I also want the puppy trained NOW.  Both take time.

Ah, patience.  Unfortunately, patience isn’t one of my strong attributes whether with a puppy’s training or my weight loss.  I get impatient because I want it off when I want it off.  As in life overall, patience is necessary for weight loss and busting through plateaus.  Some of my weight loss and plateaus have really tested my patience.

Commitment and dedication are absolute requirements for anything we truly want and important to us.  Commitment and dedication to the puppy’s process will make him and the rest of my family much happier.  Commitment and dedication to our own process of weight loss, plateaus, and maintenance are the keys to long-term health success.  Reaffirm your commitment and dedication daily to your own process for health.  It will make you and your friends and family happier too.

I look forward to many years of unconditional love with our new puppy.  Thanks to my appreciation and respect for time, patience, commitment, and dedication, I look forward to many years of continued health.  Who would have thought an 8-week old puppy would give me such a valuable lesson?

Believe In Yourself,

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