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My Thanksgiving To YOU!

The official holiday of Thanksgiving is now behind us.  Does it have to be?  The holiday of Thanksgiving is only celebrated one day a year in the United States…but what if we made it a daily event?  Before you have visions of stuffing and pecan pie floating in your head, wait!  I’m not suggesting we repeat all the rituals of Thanksgiving and stuff ourselves every day with turkey and pumpkin pie, but we could certainly express our appreciation every day…not only is it fun to do, it makes us and others feel great.

The path of losing weight and getting back on track can have obstacles and difficulties along the way.  We are here for each other.  When you reach out to obtain coaching and enter into the relationship with me as your coach, it is a deep honor and one that I am appreciative for.  The coaching relationship is like none other.  I don’t take that for granted and appreciate it daily.

I know it can be difficult to express gratitude when things aren’t looking very positive out there in the world or you’re having your own personal challenges, but I highly recommend the daily practice of expressing gratitude and appreciation.  Put aside the time, and put your heart into making your appreciation list.

For this post, I want to express my deep appreciation to you, my clients, subscribers and readers.

* I appreciate you for taking the time to read my posts and visit my blog.  It means a lot to me.

* I appreciate your positive feedback and responses about particular topics.  It helps me to be a better coach and share meaningful posts with you.

* I appreciate the successes, challenges and the process of changing our lives to live to the fullest.

* I appreciate the gifts of you sharing yourself with me through sending me messages.

* I appreciate you because without you, I wouldn’t have the inspiration to write my daily weekday posts.

* I appreciate you checking my blog regularly.  Together, we make a difference for ourselves and others.

From the bottom of my heart, I give my thanks to each and every one of you.

Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator

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