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Your Perfect Life

How do you want your life to be?  Have you ever given any thought to the overall picture of how you want your life to be?  If you could describe to someone what your perfect life would look like, how would you describe it?

When you are facing a major or even minor decision, you choose between many options that make your life what it is and what you want it to be.  Even the small daily decisions add up.  The decisions of what to eat or whether to exercise.  Day by day, those decisions add up to success or postpone achieving your goals.  These decisions determine the life you live.

There are things beyond your control.  Even in the things beyond your control, you choose how to live and function within the situation.  Your choices make a difference.  Are the choices you make each moment moving you in the direction you want in your life.  Don’t ignore your own personal power to choose and count on luck or some external circumstances to occur.

Your life can be whatever you want.  You can live your dreams, achieve your goals, and live your best life.  Make the choices that will create your picture of the perfect life into reality.  You can do it!

Believe In Yourself,

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