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Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

The average holiday dinner has over 2,700 calories!  Consuming that many calories is challenging for anyone following a healthy dietary program.  The following tips allow you to minimize excess calorie consumption after your holiday meal without having to deprive yourself.

*If you are a guest at a holiday meal, eat a healthy breakfast or a light snack before leaving.  Being overly hungry increases the chances you’ll overeat.

*Thanksgiving or Christmas/Holiday dinner is not an all you can eat buffet.  Portion your plate:  40% lean protein, 40% vegetables, and 20% with a starch of your choice.  Eat slowly (put your fork down between bites) and do not drink with your meal or for at least 30 minutes after eating.

*Go skinless with your turkey.  Choose your turkey portion, preferably white meat, skinless.  Turkey without the skin slashes a majority of fat and cholesterol. 

*For side dishes, limit your portions to a couple of bites.  After a couple of bites, your taste buds become accustomed to the food.  Think “sample” rather than a “portion” with side dishes. 

*Make the decision to eat healthier items.  High fat food items are fried, creamy dishes as well as cheese-filled casseroles in a traditional holiday meal.  For example, mashed potatoes are usually made with butter, milk, or even cream.  Green bean casseroles are often prepared with high fat cream of mushroom soup, cheese, milk and fried onion rings.  Candied yams are packed with cream, sugar, and marshmallows (more sugar!).  If you are unsure of the ingredients, limit yourself to a smaller helping size.  Remember, moderation is key to holiday eating.

*Water!  Make sure to keep your habit of water intake throughout the day.  Drinking water will not only keep you hydrated and alert to enjoy your holiday but will also help fill your stomach and control your appetite. 

Remember the focus of the holidays are family, friends, and the priorities of your life and not food.  Stuff the turkey – not yourself!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Believe In Yourself,

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