Keep What You’ve Lost
Whether you have lost five pounds or are at your goal weight, the challenge during the holidays can be to maintain what you’ve lost. Of course, we would all like to greet the New Year with having lost more weight. For some of us, a success would be to maintain what we have already lost. As we approach the holidays with Thanksgiving right around the corner, let’s create a strategy of tips to maintain your weight loss.
*Track your exercise and caloric consumption daily. Keep a close check on what you do every day. Refocus and recommit to your weight loss goals you’ve made.
*Stay in close contact with supportive people in your life. Talk to a close family member or friend to share your concerns about maintaining your weight loss. Let them know you may turn to them to hold yourself accountable.
*Focus on the benefits of your weight loss. You now have more energy and stamina to enjoy the holidays. Don’t put the brakes on that energy by regaining some pounds.
*Don’t skip your exercise routine. Make it a natural part of your day by scheduling it as an important meeting (with yourself!).
*Stay mindful of your decisions and choices. If you are tempted to indulge, fast forward a few minutes to how you’ll feel physically and emotionally about your choice.
*Eat when you are hungry. Do something else when you’re not hungry!
*Start your day by reminding yourself of your weight loss goals. Acknowledge there may be temptations as speed bumps in your day. Promise yourself that you’ll move full speed ahead despite any potential obstacles.
Maintaining weight loss is key. How many times have we lost weight only to regain? Losing weight is only half the battle. Maintaining weight loss is the goal that we need to and CAN achieve. Make an early New Years resolution to celebrate January 1 by maintaining what your weight loss and greet 2008 with what you weigh today.
All the best,