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Ten Thin Thanksgiving Tips

Thanksgiving dinnerThanksgiving comes once a year.  Why not go ahead and indulge, right?  Gaining weight during the holidays is a regular tradition for many of us.  Year after year, many of us add on a few pounds during the holidays with the intention of losing it starting January 1.  The problem is that weight gain can stick around well past January 1 and into the next holiday season. 

Thanksgiving does not have to sabatoge your weight.  With a little planning and commitment to your healthy habits, you can enjoy traditional holiday favorites and still experience a guilt-free Thanksgiving meal.  Being stuffed is a good thing only if you’re a turkey.

TIP 1:  Stay active.  Create a calorie deficit by exercising to burn off extra calories.   If you exercise four days a week normally, you could increase your exercise to five days during the holidays.  This will not only help to avoid weight gain from holiday eating but also encourage healther eating during the holidays. 

TIP 2:  Eat Breakfast.  You might think it is a good idea to skip breakfast to save up calories for bigger meals or holiday goodies.  By starting off your day with a healthy breakfast, it gives you more control over your appetite all day.  Eat a nutritious meal or snack with protein takes the edge off your appetite and allows you to be more in control of your food choices.

TIP 3:  Whether you are preparing the entire Thanksgiving meal or bringing some dishes of your own, make your recipes with less fat, sugar, and overall healthier.  When a low fat version of an ingredient is available, use it over the full fat item.  There is more fat and sugar in most recipes than is necessary.

TIP 4:  Avoid alcohol entirely or mix with non-alcohol beverages.  Alcohol calories are empty.  You can enjoy sparkling water for a huge savings of calories.  If you choose an alcoholic beverage, a good option is a glass of wine, wine spritzer, or light beer.  You’ll stay hydrated, limit empty alcohol calories, and stay sober.

TIP 5:  Eat mindful.  Stay focused on your meal and truly enjoy every bite.  Eat slowly, put down your fork between bites, and don’t put in another bite (also known as shoveling) before your mouth is empty.  Tasting each mouthful is one of the best and easiest ways to enjoy your meal and feel satisfied. 

TIP 6:  Skip seconds and go for a walk.  While others are going back for second helpings (or thirds?), go for a walk.  You’ll save by avoiding the added calories of second helpings yet burn off calories from your meal.  Double bonus!

TIP 7:  Be picky.  Don’t waste your calories on foods that you can have all year long.  Enjoy small samplings of your holiday favorites that come around once a year.  Remember that some holiday foods are better choices than others.  White turkey, plain vegetables, roasted sweet potatoes, healthy-made mashed potatoes, defatted gravy, and pumpkin pie are the best choices because they are lower in fat and calories. 

TIP 8:  Make wise choices with leftovers.   Bring home the leftovers that fit into your normal regime of healthful eating.  There are many Thanksgiving foods choices that you can enjoy days later without compromising your weight goals.

TIP 9:  Be realistic.  The holidays are a time for celebration.  With our normal busy schedules, the added stress of holiday preparations and many extra temptations can be challenging and overwhelming.  If the goal of weight loss seems unrealistic to you, be real and re-evaluate.  Create a new goal during the holidays and strive for weight maintenance rather than weight loss.  Shift your mindset from weight loss to weight maintenance.  Without gaining weight during the holidays can be a success that will carry you into the New Year. 

TIP 10:  Family and Friends-not Food Focused.  Thanksgiving and the holidays are not about the food.  It is a time to celebrate and enjoy the relationships we have with family and friends.  The main event of the holidays is spending quality time together and not the food. 

Enjoy your holidays!

Believe In Yourself,

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