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To Journal or Not To Journal?

I have started to journal.  This is the first time in my life that I have consistently journaled.  My thoughts are usually running marathons in my head while my hand has just started to warm up to write.  I get impatient that my hand doesn’t keep up with my head.  I’ve tried to journal in the past but found it frustrating and didn’t continue.  I’ve heard from so many different people (for example, Oprah has journaled since a child), articles, and other sources how important it is to journal.  Journaling helps us get out our feelings and thoughts, and allow self-discovery to take place.  Thanks, but no thanks…..until now.

When I started my coach training program, it is strongly suggested to students to keep a journal.  Since I’ve wanted to be the best coach that I can be for my clients and myself, I decided to commit myself to whatever I needed to do.  I went to local bookstores and checked out various journals on line to see if anything pulled at my heart to want to journal.  No luck.  There are beautiful journals with gorgeous papers, meaningful quotes, and pretty pens.  Nice, but not enough to tug at my hands to begin writing. 

Do you remember the television show from years ago “Doogie Howser?”  Doogie would write his diary on his computer.  Nothing fancy but would summarize his day oin a word processor.  I thought that was a good idea.  That idea was the closest I ever came to journaling.  Until now….. I would only recommend a practice to my clients that I followed myself so I set out to journal.  Journaling is an excellent tool to assist in the journey of weight loss and maintenance.  I found “Life Journal” software journaling program.  I LOVE it.  It is software that is password protected and has features to allow me to journal my inner thoughts and feelings, along with quotations and prompts to assist in self-discovery and self-growth. 

Whatever method you prefer whether journaling by hand on a tablet, binder, or fancy bound journal; keeping a diary like the Doogie Howser character; or, a computer software journaling program, I highly recommend journaling.  I rejected it for many years.  I would love to have a record of my thoughts, feelings, experiences, and memories of years past.  I have a journal in my heart of these personal things that I treasure.  I’m grateful that I’ve given myself the tool of journaling.  Already I have looked back at my progression in my journaling.  I’ve learned so much about myself, realize and appreciate things about myself that otherwise I might not have taken notice of.  Journaling is a gift that I give to myself every day.  Give yourself the gift of you. 

All the best,

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