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Know Your Triggers

I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and there they were.  The cute Girl Scouts selling their cookies.  As expected, they sweetly asked me if I’d like to buy some Girl Scout cookies.  Before I knew it, I politely replied “NO.”  That is my self-love act that I did for myself yesterday.  Girl Scout cookies + me do not equal weight loss or weight maintenance.  I know this.

For me, there are some food choices that I can eat moderately and then walk away and it won’t trigger the urge to keep on going.  Girl Scout cookies are not one of food choices.  The television commercial for a brand of potato chips has a marketing slogan of “You can’t just eat one” and that applies to me for Girl Scout cookies.  I wish I could stop at a moderate amount but in the past that “one” isn’t one cookie but ONE BOX!

Before I had surgery, I looked forward to the Girl Scout cookie time of year.  I bought enough Girl Scout cookies to last an entire year only to be consumed within a very short time.  Knowing that they are a fantastic way to consume a few days worth of sugar and fat, I tried moderation.

In the spirit of moderation, I used some pretty creative ideas….nothing worked.  I froze them thinking that would limit my impulsive consumption of a sleeve or an entire box.  I found out that Girl Scout cookies are still delicious frozen!  I had my husband hide them only to find that I am excellent at hide and go seek.  He hid and I found.  I put them way up in a cabinet making it difficult to reach them.  Hey, what are bar stools for except to reach high places to get at Girl Scout cookies.  The clincher was the trunk.  I put them in the trunk of my car.  Thinking that out of sight, out of mind didn’t work either.  After having a bad day at work driving home, I actually stopped along the side of a very busy freeway only to open my trunk and eat those cookies!  Can you imagine, a highway patrol officer seeing me parked on the side of the freeway, pull behind me thinking I was having car problems only to tell the officer, no car problems, just an emergency to eat Girl Scout cookies!!!  Ugh.

After saying “no” as I entered the store, after you leave Wal-Mart, the Girl Scouts got you covered there too.  I was asked about my former food friend, those cookies, how many boxes I’d like to buy.  I politely yet instinctively said “no, thank you” and kept on walking.  What is a success for me is that I wasn’t even tempted.  I knew that was not a healthy choice for me as far as my weight but also what it would do to me.  I know some people can handle them but I know for sure they are triggers for me.  After saying that, I don’t know for sure because I haven’t tried them for a long time.  I strongly suspect they would be an issue.  Why put myself through that just to see?  Not only are they not healthy for me but not for my family either.

This was a big success for me.  I was not even tempted.  It was a no-brainer and I made the healthy, nurturing choice that was best for me.  Acknowledging your known food triggers isn’t a weakness at all but a true strength and a big step toward healthy your healthy weight goals.

Choose you!

Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator

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